Code of Conduct and Ethics for Rock On Ltd employees

Code of Ethics and Conduct for Rock On Ltd (ZA minerals)

At Rock On Ltd (ZA minerals), we have a passion for providing excellent service to our customers and are committed to meeting their specific needs. We value integrity, honesty, and teamwork, and we aim to contribute positively to our community and the environment. We recognize and reward individual contributions, embrace diversity in the way we conduct business, and embrace change, technology, and innovation.

The purpose of this Code of Ethics and Conduct is to provide guidance to all employees of Rock On Ltd on the standards of behaviour expected of them in performing their duties and in their dealings with colleagues, shareholders, and customers.

This Code of Ethics and Conduct applies to all employees of Rock On Ltd, regardless of their role. We are all expected to act in accordance with this Code of Ethics and Conduct. While it is impossible to list every action that should be avoided or favored, this Code provides guidelines for common situations. Employees should seek guidance if they are unsure about any provision of the Code and should promptly report any suspected violations of the Code in a sealed envelope to the Managing Director.

Respect for the Law

The Company and its employees must at all times comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations of the country and our Company's policies, standards, and procedures. The Company will not condone the activities of employees who violate the laws, policies, etc. This includes any payments for illegal acts, indirect contributions, rebates, and bribery.

All business conduct should be well above the minimum standards required by law. Accordingly, every employee must ensure that their actions cannot be interpreted as being, in any way, in contravention of the laws and regulations governing the Company’s operations. When employees are uncertain about the application or interpretation of any legal requirements, they should seek guidance from their supervising officers.

Standards to be Observed in Performing Duties

In performing their duties, every employee should:

a) Maintain a highly professional and welcoming attitude and conduct, and serve the Company with honesty, sincerity, dedication, and utmost confidentiality.

b) Maintain a high level of civility and good orderliness and refrain from any conduct that may adversely affect or impair the name and good repute of the Company and its shareholders, the sound working relations or conditions within the Company and with its shareholders, the organization of work and the smooth dispatch of everyday business of the Company, and the development of team spirit, collaboration, and mutual assistance.

c) Exercise their responsibility and authority reasonably and judiciously when in a position of authority, and promote a high standard of duty and conduct by their example and influence.

d) Deliver timely and expedient service to customers of the Company without favour or reward of any kind.

e) Perform their duties timeously, efficiently and effectively, utilizing their stipulated working time and performing duties of other posts within their fields of competence and acting as an instructor or trainer, as and when required.

f) Comply with all rules and regulations of the Company, shipping regulations, and health and safety procedures.

g) Wear sober and decent clothing and maintain good conduct and discipline to project a positive image of the Company.

h) Protect the interests and assets of the Company, including stock, materials, tools, and equipment, and avoid wastage.

i) Not engage in political activities, whether directly or indirectly.

j) Not be under the influence of alcohol during their official working hours.

k) Not smoke where it is prohibited or where it is likely to inconvenience others.

l) Not engage in sexual harassment or behave in a way that can be construed as such, for example, by using inappropriate language, keeping or posting inappropriate materials in their work areas, or accessing inappropriate materials on their computer.

m) Not discriminate against any person on the grounds of sex, marital status, color, race, ethnic or national origin, age, disability, political opinion, occupation, status, sexual orientation, religious or ethnic beliefs.

At Rock On Ltd (ZA minerals), all employees are expected to uphold high standards of conduct and ethics. This includes treating colleagues, management, shareholders, customers, and the public with respect and impartiality.

Responsibility to Customers, Shareholders, and the Community

Our company's success depends on providing exceptional service to our customers and meeting the needs and expectations of our shareholders and the community. As ambassadors for Rock On Ltd (ZA minerals), all employees are expected to follow the Customer Service Charter and:

  • Address customer concerns and needs professionally and ethically
  • Treat customers with respect and dignity
  • Ensure customer experiences are exceptional
  • Promote the company's products and services
  • Safeguard confidential customer information

Conflicts of Interest

As employees of Rock On Ltd (ZA minerals), we have a duty to act in the best interests of the company, stakeholders, and customers. A conflict of interest may arise when an employee or their close family members are employed, involved in a business, or have financial interests in a company that is a competitor, supplier, or contractor of Rock On Ltd (ZA minerals).

Employees are expected to report any potential conflict of interest to management immediately.

Relationships with Suppliers/Contractors

Employees are prohibited from investing or acquiring a financial interest in any business that has a contractual relationship with the company, provides goods or services to the company, or can influence their decisions while performing their duties.

Kickbacks and Commissions

Employees may not receive any payments or compensation unless authorized under company policies. The company strictly prohibits the acceptance of kickbacks and secret commissions from suppliers or other parties. Violation of this rule will result in immediate termination and/or prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.

Gifts and Favours

Employees must not accept gifts or personal favours that could influence business decisions or appear to favour any person or organization with whom the company has business dealings. Similarly, employees must not accept preferential treatment that may obligate them to return the favour.

Outside Employment

Employees should regard their service as full-time employment and should not undertake any other work without the approval of the Managing Director or Project Manager. Outside employment may create conflict of interest situations, misuse company resources and information, and result in the use of company assets for non-official purposes.

Leave and Time Off

In accordance with the labour law of Mauritius, employees are entitled to annual leave based on their length of service. Leave allocation will be as per legal requirements and company policies. Additionally, please note that the company closes during the month of December and January for the holiday season. During this period, employees are required to use a portion of their accumulated annual leave days. In the event that an employee has unused leave days and subsequently leaves the company, any outstanding leave days will be deducted from their final settlement as required by law. This practice ensures compliance with both the labour law and the operational needs of the company.

Confidentiality and Security of Company Information

All employees must maintain confidentiality and secrecy regarding any information acquired in the course of their duty or employment that relates to the company's affairs or business, clients, operators, or any person dealing with the company. Employees must not give unauthorized access to any person or make photocopies of any books or documents belonging to the company.

Imparting information acquired through official position or employment to the press or unauthorized persons or giving statements or interviews on behalf of the company requires written permission from the Managing Director.

Accurate Records

All payments and receipts must be accurately recorded, and employees must not make false or misleading entries in any company record. Payments must be true and correct, and any payments made must reflect the results of the transaction accurately and fairly.

Use of Company Resources Policy

At Rock On Ltd (ZA minerals), we value our company resources and expect all employees to do the same. It is the responsibility of every employee to protect and use company assets and resources effectively and efficiently.

Asset Usage

Every employee must ensure that company-provided resources, such as transportation, stationary, telephone, ICT equipment, and other facilities, are used solely for official duties or functions and not for personal use.

Effective Resource Management

We encourage employees to manage company assets and resources effectively and obtain value for money while avoiding waste or extravagance.

Care and Responsibility

Employees are responsible for the safekeeping and maintenance of all company equipment, vehicles, and records in their possession or for which they are responsible. Exercise due care over these assets and report any damage or loss immediately to the relevant authority.

By adhering to these policies, we can safeguard our company resources and protect our reputation as a responsible and ethical organization.

Code of Conduct and Ethics for Rock On Ltd Employees Utilising the FIU and Money Laundering Act


Rock On Ltd is committed to conducting business in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the Financial Intelligence Unit Act and the Money Laundering Act. As employees of Rock On Ltd, it is your responsibility to maintain high standards of ethical conduct in all your dealings related to these Acts. This code of conduct and ethics outlines your responsibilities and expectations as employees.

Responsibility to Report Suspicious Activities

All employees of Rock On Ltd who are utilising the FIU and Money Laundering Act have a responsibility to report any suspicious activities to the relevant authorities in accordance with the requirements of the Acts. Such activities may include transactions involving large sums of money, unusual patterns of transactions, or any other activities that may indicate potential money laundering or terrorist financing.

Confidentiality and Security of Information

As employees of Rock On Ltd, you may have access to sensitive and confidential information related to the FIU and Money Laundering Act. It is your responsibility to ensure that such information is kept confidential and secure at all times. You must not disclose any such information to any third party, except as required by law or with the prior written consent of the company.

Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations

All employees of Rock On Ltd who are utilising the FIU and Money Laundering Act must comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to these Acts. You must be aware of the relevant laws and regulations and ensure that all your actions and transactions are in compliance with them. Failure to comply with these laws and regulations may result in disciplinary action and/or legal consequences.

Training and Education

Rock On Ltd will provide training and education to all employees who are utilising the FIU and Money Laundering Act to ensure that they are aware of their responsibilities and obligations under these Acts. You are expected to participate in such training and education programs and to seek clarification and guidance if you have any questions or concerns.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Violation of any of the provisions of this code of conduct and ethics may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. In addition, non-compliance with the FIU and Money Laundering Act may result in legal consequences, including fines and imprisonment.


Rock On Ltd is committed to conducting business in a manner that is ethical, transparent, and compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. As employees who are utilising the FIU and Money Laundering Act, you have a responsibility to uphold these standards and to report any suspicious activities to the relevant authorities. By following this code of conduct and ethics, you will help to maintain the integrity of Rock On Ltd and ensure that we continue to operate in a manner that is ethical and compliant with the law.