Hausmannite and Andradite 50g GY08
Hausmannite and Andradite 50g GY08
$35.00 USD
$35.00 USD
46 mm x 35 mm x 28 mm, 50 grams.
Ettringite, Hausmannite and Andradite
Wessels Mine, Hotazel, Kalahari manganese field, Northern Cape, South Africa RSA
The Pastel Yellow of the Ettringite reminds me of a ice-cold Lemonade.
These gorgeous Ettringite crystals have developed on a gleaming beige to slightly red Andradite crystal matrix.
To add more of a wow factor to this rare specimen you can find Highly Metallic, opaque, triangles of Hausmannite too!
The Geological Approach:
- Sub-metallic, opaque, dark grey to black, tetragonal Hausmannite.
- Growth patterning on the Hausmannite crystal surface.
- Vitreous, opaque, light brown, isometric Andradite.
- Andradite crystals have developed on the Hausmannite and in small vugs of the specimen.
- Pearly, sub-opaque, light yellow Ettringite crystals have developed on the Andradite surface
- In most cases, damage will be present from where the specimen was removed from it's parent material.
- Sandy residue may be present.
- Minor scattered chips to the crystal edges and faces may be present.
- Any polished material will have minor surfaces scratches, natural fractures and vugs.
- We use the International System of Units (SI), so please Convert your measurements.